Going forward, our aim is to consolidate our supplier base and the materials we use. It’s a process that takes time, as quality standards and certificates have to be met, tested and evaluated before final approval. In 2023, we continued our efforts to map and categorize the materials already in use, to be able to create a deeper commitment to progress together with our major suppliers. As a result, we’ve established climate roadmaps with our top 5 fabric suppliers and 10 of our largest garment manufacturers. Our ultimate goal is to create products that are circular by design. This means our products should be designed to be reusable, repairable, and, at the end of their life cycle, recyclable into new materials or products. To achieve this, we are focusing on consolidating the materials we use, particularly by exploring the use of monomaterials. By minimizing the variety of fibers or materials in our products, we aim to ensure they are prepared for efficient recycling once comprehensive recycling processes are in place.